Submission on the Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility


Submission to the Standing Committee on Justice and Community Safety Enquiry into: Justice (Age of Criminal Responsibility) Legislation Amendment Bill 2023

Age of Criminal Responsibility


Why is the ACT still dragging its feet on this ? We have had years of deliberation, but no action

Age of criminal responsibility is ‘out of step with the rest of the world’ by Lauren Croft


Age of criminal responsibility is ‘out of step with the rest of the world’ 08 November 2021 • By Lauren Croft Following the release of its road map to raising the age of criminal responsibility, the ACT AG has pledged to “provide better alternatives” to children in custody. In October, the ACT outlined its plan to raise the […]

Canberra Times article – Raise The Age


Extract from Canberra Times on child protection – 13 April 202

Canberra Times article – Child Protection


Extract from Canberra Times on child protection – 2 April 2020

Law Council in Darwin – minimum age of criminal responsibility, and presentations by Olga Havnen, CEO Danila Dilba Health Service, and by Chief Justice of the NT Supreme Court, the Hon Michael Grant CJ – both focussing on children in detention


28 June 2019 This quarter the Law Council of Australia (LCA) meetings were hosted by the Northern Territory Law Society in Darwin. At one of these meetings, a significant policy position was reached — that the minimum age for criminal responsibility should be 14 years, and the LCA would like that policy adopted by all […]

Christchurch tragedy, and Elder Abuse


22 March 2019 On behalf of the Canberra legal community, I extend sincere sympathy to our friends and neighbours in Christchurch NZ for their tragic and terrible loss. Having barely survived an earthquake, it is just too cruel for them to now have to suffer this recent horror. If you’ve been affected by this trauma, […]