A Win for Democracy


It took a change of government, but finally a sense of fairness and justice has prevailed. Bernard will be able to get on with his legal practice and his life generally. Let’s hope that his unfair treatment will not reduce the courage he has shown in standing up against the injustice of powerful interests. Not […]

Law Council: Age of Criminal Responsibility


From the Law Council of Australia: https://www.lawcouncil.asn.au/media/media-releases/children-deserve-care-not-the-criminal-justice-system

Voice to Parliament


12 July 2019 It’s good to hear, in this NAIDOC week, that the Federal Government has finally decided to take seriously the wishes and aspirations of 250 Australian indigenous delegates who gathered at Uluru in May 2017 and made their “Statement from the Heart” — a plea to be recognised and heard. Their plea was […]

ACT  Freedom of Information Act 2016 removing rights to obtain information under the Children and Young People Act 2008


14 June 2019 Last week the Legislative Assembly passed amendments to the Freedom of Information Act 2016 which removed some of the existing rights a person had to obtain “sensitive information” about themselves held by officials under the Children and Young People Act 2008. This was done despite representations made by the Society that such […]

Harassment in the work place, and retirement of magistrate Karen Fryar AM


8 March 2019 At last month’s Intensive CPD, among many very worthwhile seminars, was “Working with Monsters”. Dr Rebecca Michalak very capably illustrated the “dark side of the law industry”, where employees of legal firms have had to work under the shadow of bullying, discrimination, sexual harassment, and similar behaviour. Overall, Dr Michalak’s research (“Causes […]

Law Council meetings


14 December 2018 The Law Council of Australia represents the Australian legal profession on national issues through the various law societies and bar associations. On 1 December the LCA held its AGM in Canberra. Arthur Moses SC was elected as President, with the executive now to comprise Arthur Moses SC, and members Konrad de Kerloy, […]

Coat of arms absence in new Supreme Courts


30 November 201 Recently there has been some disquiet expressed to me about the absence of a coat of arms on the wall in our new Supreme Court rooms. One view is that the coat of arms is a sign of the judicial authority of the Court, and that we bow at the commencement and […]