Mentoring and Blackburn Lecture


26 July 2019 What can you do for your Law Society? Recently the very active and capable Young Lawyers Committee held their bi-annual mentoring event at which Peter Garrisson SC the ACT Solicitor-General spoke in rousing and interesting terms about the importance of having mentoring in early years, and his own early years as an […]

Law Council in Darwin – minimum age of criminal responsibility, and presentations by Olga Havnen, CEO Danila Dilba Health Service, and by Chief Justice of the NT Supreme Court, the Hon Michael Grant CJ – both focussing on children in detention


28 June 2019 This quarter the Law Council of Australia (LCA) meetings were hosted by the Northern Territory Law Society in Darwin. At one of these meetings, a significant policy position was reached — that the minimum age for criminal responsibility should be 14 years, and the LCA would like that policy adopted by all […]