Bernard Collaery & Land Titles


HEARSAY 9.9.2020 Invisible Justice? While the former President of East Timor, Ramos Horta, would give hiscountry’s highest honour to our Law Society member Bernard Collaery, ourAustralian government continues Bernard’s prosecution in relation to ourAustralian government’s bugging of an East Timor government building in Dili.The charges under the National Services Act 2001 carry a maximum penalty […]

Elder Abuse


Missed opportunities to address elder abuse While the Society certainly wants action to be taken on elder abuse, including financial abuse, it was with some alarm that we saw yesterday the introduction in the Legislative Assembly of flawed legislation to address the issue. The Crimes (Offences Against Vulnerable People) Legislation Amendment Bill 2020 introduces criminal […]

Petition against Motor Accidents Injuries Bill, passing of retired Chief Justice Jeffery Allan Miles AO, and Law Council meetings


5 April 2019 The Barr Government is continuing on its ill-advised course with the introduction of the Motor Accident Injuries Bill 2019. The Law Society strongly opposes the proposed changes, which will leave Canberrans injured in road accidents much worse off. You can read our most recent media outline, setting out numerous areas of concern […]

Amending the unfair Motor Accidents Injuries Bill, and speeches to commence the legal year


8 February 2019 It is of some comfort that the ACT Greens have recognised that aspects of the proposed Motor Accidents Injuries Bill will operate unfairly. They have called on the government to amend it and to provide the “guidelines” (which are to date invisible) before the legislation is introduced into the Assembly. The proposed […]

Law Council meetings


14 December 2018 The Law Council of Australia represents the Australian legal profession on national issues through the various law societies and bar associations. On 1 December the LCA held its AGM in Canberra. Arthur Moses SC was elected as President, with the executive now to comprise Arthur Moses SC, and members Konrad de Kerloy, […]