Age of Criminal Responsibility
Why is the ACT still dragging its feet on this ? We have had years of deliberation, but no action
Lawyers | Canberra
Why is the ACT still dragging its feet on this ? We have had years of deliberation, but no action
12 July 2019 It’s good to hear, in this NAIDOC week, that the Federal Government has finally decided to take seriously the wishes and aspirations of 250 Australian indigenous delegates who gathered at Uluru in May 2017 and made their “Statement from the Heart” — a plea to be recognised and heard. Their plea was […]
28 June 2019 This quarter the Law Council of Australia (LCA) meetings were hosted by the Northern Territory Law Society in Darwin. At one of these meetings, a significant policy position was reached — that the minimum age for criminal responsibility should be 14 years, and the LCA would like that policy adopted by all […]