Christchurch tragedy, and Elder Abuse


22 March 2019 On behalf of the Canberra legal community, I extend sincere sympathy to our friends and neighbours in Christchurch NZ for their tragic and terrible loss. Having barely survived an earthquake, it is just too cruel for them to now have to suffer this recent horror. If you’ve been affected by this trauma, […]

Harassment in the work place, and retirement of magistrate Karen Fryar AM


8 March 2019 At last month’s Intensive CPD, among many very worthwhile seminars, was “Working with Monsters”. Dr Rebecca Michalak very capably illustrated the “dark side of the law industry”, where employees of legal firms have had to work under the shadow of bullying, discrimination, sexual harassment, and similar behaviour. Overall, Dr Michalak’s research (“Causes […]

Amending the unfair Motor Accidents Injuries Bill, and speeches to commence the legal year


8 February 2019 It is of some comfort that the ACT Greens have recognised that aspects of the proposed Motor Accidents Injuries Bill will operate unfairly. They have called on the government to amend it and to provide the “guidelines” (which are to date invisible) before the legislation is introduced into the Assembly. The proposed […]

Off the plan sales, meeting with Chief Public Attorney of the Philippines, Dr Persida V Rueda-Acosta, and heritage timbers in Courtroom One


25 January 2019 You may have noticed some media lately about buying real estate “off the plan”. I urge all conveyancing lawyers to ensure that their clients understand any special conditions that allow for delay, alteration of the final built result, and the seller’s rights of rescission. If you have any questions on this topic, […]

Law Council meetings


14 December 2018 The Law Council of Australia represents the Australian legal profession on national issues through the various law societies and bar associations. On 1 December the LCA held its AGM in Canberra. Arthur Moses SC was elected as President, with the executive now to comprise Arthur Moses SC, and members Konrad de Kerloy, […]

Coat of arms absence in new Supreme Courts


30 November 201 Recently there has been some disquiet expressed to me about the absence of a coat of arms on the wall in our new Supreme Court rooms. One view is that the coat of arms is a sign of the judicial authority of the Court, and that we bow at the commencement and […]

Welcome to Justice Chrissa Loukas-Karlsson and Magistrate Louise Taylor


19 November 2018 On Thursday night the Society had the pleasure of giving a formal welcome to our newest judicial officers, Justice Chrissa Lukas-Karlsson and Magistrate Louise Taylor. Justice Loukas-Karlsson was appointed in March this year, and has already proven herself a valuable addition to the bench. Among the many achievements in Her Honour’s career […]

Legislative Assembly members considering Chief Minister Barr’s proposal to severely limit compensation available to injured road users


8 November 2018 It is comforting to know that the majority of Legislative Assembly members are prepared to give proper and thoughtful consideration to Chief Minister Barr’s proposal to severely limit compensation available to injured road users. The Assembly’s Committee was to report on 1 November 2018, but sought extra time, and is now to […]

Ceremonial sitting for retirement of ACT Director of Public Prosecutions, Jon White SC


19 October 2018 Practitioners will be pleased to see the end in sight for the Court rebuilding work, with the commencement of operation of the new courtrooms of the Supreme Court. I attended the new Court’s first formal event on Monday – a ceremonial sitting to mark the imminent retirement of the ACT Director of […]

First comments in Hearsay


5 October 2018 Thank you for entrusting me with the task of leading the Society as President — it means a lot to me, and I sincerely hope I can meet your expectations. Congratulations to all those who continued, started, or returned to a position on the Council. Commiserations to those who did not get […]